Delta Research & Advisory performs its own quantitative research and accesses qualitative research from several research houses covering all asset classes and thousands of investments. This broad and deep research access provides Delta the tools required to make better investment decisions.
Quantitative Manager Research
Fund manager selection and research is one of Delta’s core skills. Using sophisticated quantitative analysis from Delta Factors, Delta provides insights to investment performance behaviour with analysis of market exposure, styles, market timing, various risk exposures, and manager added value. You’d be surprised how often a manager states they invest in a particular style only to do the opposite and often out-performance is due to style bias as opposed to any investment selection or timing skill.
Model Portfolio Design
Using our internal quantatiative analysis combined with external Qualitative research, Delta is able to customise model portfolios or assess existing portfolios too increase return potential at the same time as reducing risks. Delta is able to do this across all asset classes, all risk profiles, as well as for accumulation and decumulation (such as retirement income) portfolios.
Ongoing Reporting
Reporting is available for all portfolios, model portfolios or otherwise, and performance reporting can be white labeled as required on a periodic or as required basis.
Structured Product Scenario Modelling
Structured Products have become popular in recent years given their ability to change the return outcomes of traditional asset classes. Using your expectations for investment market outcomes, Delta provides scenario modelling so that you have a clearer understanding of the appropriate pricing of your considered structured product as well as the likely outcomes for the investor.
Delta – Your Investment Research Department
Whether it be as consultant to your investment committee or just someone to bounce investment ideas off, Delta has the ability, experience and skills to help you or your clients make better investment decisions.